Experience: Insadong

Hello again guys! Today I'm updating a place called Insadong! It's one of Korea's shopping street. I recommend this place if you want to buy some souvenirs because it's the cheapest place that you can find in Seoul!

After you go out from the subway station, you will see several store selling souvenirs. I got 10 nail clippers for 7000won and 16 pens for 10000won. I recommend place like that than going further into Insadong because it's the cheapest place that you can get. If you buy a lot of things, you can get some discount / free something (ask: kkaka juseyo = give me discount). You can get 1000 ~ 3000won discount for it.

If you want to try some hanbok experience, you can try and find here! The price ranges between stores. You can also make a name stamp where they actually engrave it to the stone. The price ranges from the cheapest 20000won to 500000won! (very expensive) Even if you buy the 20000 won stamp, you will get the small one.

I found a lot of interesting things here in Insadong. Like this pop up card!

The infamous Ssamsegil. It's very crowded here but there's some good foods that you can buy here.

Bonus: Try this Watermelon Ice Cream (subak ba)

Insadong (인사동)

Hours Of Operation
Varies with stores. Recommend time to go there is at lunch time.

Subway            (Line 3) Anguk Station, Exit 6 (walk straight pass through the police office and you   
                         will find a tourist information booth. In front of it is the main road of Insadong)


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