My University - Universitas Pelita Harapan

So This is my second post!!

I want to introduce you guys my university! Many friends and family always wonder and ask me how's university life so this is the answer for you guys!!

Brief information about my university:


Located in: Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang

To get there: Use Jakarta-Merak Toll Road
From Lippo Puri Indah there is a free shuttle bus that goes:
Lippo Puri to Lippo Karawaci @ 11 AM and 3 PM
Lippo Karawaci to Lippo Puri @ 12 AM and 4 PM

My First Week at University:

So instead of some harsh training / Orientation week / Ospek (what Indonesian calls), we have festival at UPH. They usually held this on August like 3rd week or 4th week. You are then divided into groups. I got 10 people in a group with my Mentor and Mentee.
Mentor: Suci Ay
Mentee: Me, Eggy Steven, Marco L, Nadya P. P, Indra Liempepas, Jenifer Gunawan, Joshua Aristya, Linda, and Rey


Some things to do during UPH Fest:

1. Take a Picture with your mentor and your mates!! (You won't see them a lot after this event unless you are one class with them like Me Eggy and Nadya and sometimes Marco. The rest I rarely see them.

2. Remember to memorize places and try to ask where is the building of your subject (Usually by the last day you will get your class schedule and after you get that try to ask where is this building and get familiar with the road)

3. Take a Picture with your higher ups (You must take picture with them during UPH Fest since they are rarely seen outside office! Unless you are joining UPH Fest again next year like becoming a mentor)

With Mr. James Riady - Chairman of Lippo Group and Founder of UPH (My university) currently owner

With Mr. Jonathan L. Parapak - Rektor Universitas Pelita Harapan / President of UPH

With Mr. Raymond Liu - Dean of Business School of UPH

With Ms. Connie Rasilim - Dean of the faculty of Education

There are more people to take pictures with but these four are the most popular ones to take picture with.. To learn more:

4. Bring enough water! (You don't get refills / water bottle unless it's lunch time)

5. Never loss you scarf / anything you get from them (You will need it for the festival and in the future you might need them too)

6. Bring enough things (Don't make your bag heavy.. just keep it simple: Handphones, power bank, watch, 2 bottles of Aqua/water, a pen, a small sized notebook, pocket tissue, wet tissue, some candies in case you sleep)

7. Make many friends and do not hesitate to ask for their contact (In here they use LINE a lot so make sure you download it and register it right. 70% of making friends is in this period. There is not many other opportunities to get friends.. CONNECTION!)

8. Lastly, never be late (they asked mentors to record you absence and once you are late, there will be a much more difficulties to join the other. Usually they will gather you to a place and they ask for your mentor's name and do some process there then you can join your peers. Anyways it's very tiring so don't do it)

So I hope you will not get bored about this and hope this tips can help you when you want to go to Universitas Pelita Harapan... Stay tune for more information about the university...


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