About This Blog

Hello, My name is ELISABETH NJATO
I lived in Jakarta, Indonesia.
I'm 17th years old female. (When I started this blog)
I was born on 6 March 1999

Why I decide to make this blog?

This blog is dedicated to my future self so that memories of my teens will not be erased. And will also reminds me of God's grace and guidance through my life. Not only for me but also to my friends that need some break to think back how time flies so fast.

What will be in this blog?

1. What I do during this time of my life
2. My Travel Experience
3. Things that I sell
4. My Interest
5. Photos of Me and My Family
6. My Friends

Brief goal of this blog:

1. To post every memories
2. Let my self happy
3. Constantly posting. Hahaha....
4. Eat anything you want!!!
5. Find things you need to do...


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