Exchange Student to South Korea - Application Guide

Hey, you guys! Today I’m going to talk about my next trip to South Korea this August. I’m going to Korea not to just have fun and holiday but for school!

For the next five months from August till December, I will probably upload stuff about my doings in Korea. About the school, classes, some place to go, palace, nightlife and more. I’M EXCITED ALREADY. HAHAHAHAHA….

So more information about the university that I’m going for student exchange program (ESP) from UPH is Sungkyunkwan University. Yes… If you watched Park Yoo Chun’s & Song Joong Ki’s drama before (Sungkyunkwan Scandal) that’s the same school that I’ll be attending in Korea. For your information, it’s the same university that Song Joong Ki went and coincidentally, Joongki also applied the same major as me!! So Song Joong Ki is my senior there!!


So I’m going to tell you how I applied from UPH for some juniors that might want to go like me.

First of all, go to the international website and check where you want to go.
( make sure that you have a university in mind like for example Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) or Corban University and check for their availability. Like SKKU Fall semester starts from Sep – Dec and the last application deadline is 15 May. (Make sure the application deadline is 1- 2 months ahead)

Second, see the requirements of the university ( and prepare them. *Importantly 1 Year transcript

Third, consult subjects that can be transferred from that your chosen university to UPH, Try to ask the international office for a copy of subjects from chosen university and their description. Then go to your faculty (Academic Head) and see which subjects that you can transfer. At the same time, try to ask any teachers you are comfortable with to make a letter of recommendation for you. Also go to building A 3rd floor for official transcript (Takes a week to make).

Forth, look at your chosen university’s requirement. Like SKKU needs letter that proves you’re currently studying in UPH. Complete their Documents. In addition, make a letter of request for the academics stating that you will go to your chosen university and have A B C D … subjects to transfer. Have them signed with your head department. Application form from UPH also needs to be signed by the head department.

Fifth, send documents you have prepare to the international affair 5th floor (Not many applicants are there to apply so don’t worry about the quota) *Keep the letter of request and don’t give it to international affairs.

Sixth, the international office will nominate you to your chosen university and then your chosen university should have emailed to you. (If there’s no reply in 2 weeks, try to ask the international office again)

Seventh, they will email you the list of documents that you need to submit and sometimes fill out their application online. Just do it within 2 days.

Eighth, they will start to send you invitation letter and some visa document. Like in my case they send me invitation letter and certificate of admission also dormitory form and information. Fill it out as soon as possible and make sure it’s according to their time. *Warnings to Korean ESP: They will email you a bit faster if you apply within Korean work time like when you send email at 12 o’clock Indonesia time they will answer you faster.

Ninth, give a copy of the letter of request that you have made and a copy of invitation letter and (in my case) certificate of admission to the academics program. Make your Visa (To Korea: Student Visa D-2 type) as soon as possible.

Tenth, off to your chosen university!


Duration needed from first till sixth step is about a month. The deadline stated in the web is all for the chosen university. So at least 3 weeks before the deadline from the web you have to submit to international office.

HIGHLY IMPORTANT!! Make sure you photocopied every documents that you have minimal 2 sets of it. For sure you will need it in the future.

Don’t worry, usually international office and partner university (SKKU especially) replied very long because all exchange students are also emailing them

So I hope that you can go to your chosen university like me and hope this helps!


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